Discount Coupon Codes

Experience savings made simple! Our Discount and Coupon Codes page is designed with you in mind. No need to hunt for savings when you can access our curated list of exclusive offers right here. Discover the easiest way to save on your next purchase!

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Discount Coupon Code
Discount Amount
12 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
8 %

Considering purchasing 3 or more? Enter code "Bulk" at checkout.

Number of Chair Mats
Order Discount
3 - 5
15 %
6 - 9
17 %
10 - 19
20 %
20 - 29
22 %
30 +
25 %

Buy with confidence from America's #1 supplier of Glass Office Chair Mats

  • SGCC and ANSI Z97.1 Certified Tempered Glass
  • Vitrazza In-house Quality Assurance Standards
  • Coated with Invisible Shield Pro 15 to Resist Fine Scratches
  • Transferable Lifetime Warranty (All Glass Products)
  • 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee with Free Returns
  • Shipped from our Distribution Center in Golden, CO
  • American Customer Service In-house!